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ROH Book Series (|-x) Total of 11 books.
|-V||,Written by Dr.M.L.Sehgal
|X-X, Co-authoured by Dr.Sanjay Sehgal and dr.Yogesh sehgal

Never born Never Died
Visited this planet between
1929 - 2002
How does R.H. differ from Classical Homoeopathy, which also uses mental symptoms?
What is the change ? : Simply a change of emphasis ; a minor variation. Classical homeopaths also agree that if we can have dependable mental symptoms we can ignore the physicals .
According to them the mental symptoms are not to be found in every patient. It is from here that R.H. differs with them in Concept.
It observes that no individual at any point of time , is without any mental state.
If a person is sick ,it is not necessary that he must be angry or weeping, irritable or anxious.
He may be a normal behaving person covered by rubrics like
Well , It may be satisfying and relieving for the lovers of principles of homeopathy that the answers found are with in the bounds of known principles of homeopathy- the Law of similars, Herings law of cure , and the principles of one remedy, one dose at a time- Although their interpretations have been completely changed.
In Classical Homoeopathy uncommon, rare and peculiar characteristic symptoms are taken into consideration for the prescription.
In contrast R.H. prescribes on Common, Most ordinary and usual symptoms of the mind which are generally known to be common to all patients, and out of which
Present, Predominating and Persisting (P.P.P.) are given importance.
{ * Dr. Sehgal used to believe that when a patient comes to you in the clinic for a particular complaint, he is not aware of the language of the repertory or material medica, he describes his complaints in his common language and words which we ( in classical homoeopathy) generally believe to be usual or common for every patient, and generally ignored for case taking.
Dr. Sehgal being a very keen observer used to be very vigilant while the patient is describing his complaints taking note of the tone, style, gestures etc, of the patient, as well as understanding the concern of the patient in regards to his problems, Then he used to convert these expressions of the patients into the rubrics of the mind section of the repertory which correspond to these. This gave him a very simple way to enter into a case.
Dr. Sehgal thus simplified the whole case taking in 4 lines:
What He Says? And How He says? What He Does? And How He Does? (During sickness.)
Here “He” refers to the patient before you. }
After giving the medicine we should expect from the medicine to balance those mental signals on which it was prescribed and in turn start some expulsions from the body (termed discharges) from the nose, mouth urethra, anus, skin, etc. and in turn give relief to the particular diseased state of the patient.
For Further Explanations and details Refer to our literature givne in :
1. Roh Books Series ( I - XI).
2. You can also read our books in our software ‘Seigal Expert System’ in collaboration with Mind Technology’