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ROH Series at a Glance BY Dr M.L. Sehgal, Sanjay Sehgal & Dr Yogesh Sehgal
Series I: It contains two parts (Parts-I & Part-II) with an introduction. Part-I includes the clear description of health, the natural order; process of degeneration. Here Dr. Sehgal has outlined the principles of prescribing according to the tenants of Revolutionized Homoeopathy with its distinguishing features. Part-II mainly included the lectures relating to 1st edition. ( No of Pages 104)
Series I-A: This book contains two parts.
1st part or Part-I includes: Fundamentals and some basic points of Revolutionized Homoeopathy. What is sickness & also what is heath according to the Revolutionized Homoeopathy and the basic Clinical Approach of this Method.
2nd part : is mainly on the art of Recognizing an Individual, with special emphasis on the Recognition of Bryonia, Belladonna, Platina & in the last Stramonium child.
Series II: This book is mainly on papers as presented by Dr M L Sehgal on different seminars. Here Dr M.L. Sehgal used the term :'Hit the right target'.
In the very beginning, Author replied on a letter from Dr S P Koppikar (Chief Editor, Homoeopathic Heritage). On first paper Dr Sehgal presented 'Art of Case taking' and a case of Bronchial Asthma. Then made a relation with mind symptoms of diseased person. In another paper he described an arbitory case of two AIDs Patients with some practical indication of Sulphur (Giving its Kingpin as : Delusion- thin, he is getting) and Thuja ( Its kingpin being Delusion- thin he is).
At the end Dr. Sehgal put four remedies mentioned under the rubric -
Disturbed averse to being, e.g. Bryonia, Gelsemium, Cocculus ind, Chin ars.
( No of Pages 104)
Series III: This is a very short book, in which one rubric 'Shrieking aid for' is thoroughly described with it's different remedies under the heading 'Group Study of the drugs' - Camphor; Ignatia; Kali-carb; Levomepromazinum; Laurocerasum; Platina; Hepar sulph; Rhus-tox; Cantharis; Stramonium. ( No of Pages 40) It is one of the most important books which has been found clinically very useful in emergency cases.
Series IV: This series contains 'Rubrics, their meanings, interpretations & the version of the patients'. 150 very frequently used rubrics are described here under the category of 'word meaning', 'interpretation', 'and version'. Main theme of this book is 'How to master the Rubrics mentioned under the Mind section of the Repertory'.(Most of which are taken from Barthel and Complete repertory). The rubrics are here have been marked AA, A, B & C, showing their importance in order of frequency of their indication in day to day practice. ( No of Pages 66)
Series V: This Book is known by the name of 'LIGHT, Desire for'.
In the beginning of this book, Dr. M.L. Sehgal from his vast clinical experience has laid down the various interpretations, in the wider sense of the rubric Light Desire for.
This is followed by the description and differentiation of the 17 drugs:
Aconite, Ammonium mur, Asaram euro, Belledonna, Calc carb, Cannabis sativa, Carbo-ani, Gelsemium, Grindelia robusta, Lac can, Nat-mur, Phosphorus, Plumbum met, Ruta, Sanicula, Stramonium, Valeriana, which are listed under the above said rubric. ( No of Pages 112)
Series VI: Heading of this series is:
'Rubrics their meanings and versions of the patients'.
A huge number of rubrics, approx. 526 rubrics have been described here with proper word meaning; how it can be interpretate & proper clinical version of the rubrics. The useful part of this book is, there are lots of practical versions mentioned under those rubrics. These are to be handy in day to day practice. ( No of Pages 140)
Series VII: This particular book is the genius of Dr. M.L. Sehgal. This book is dedicated to only one medicine : 'Belladonna' ; it has been written with a purpose to go through the medicine in every angle not only in it's prescription, but also the management part. The main highlight of this book is :
1. To demonstrate practically both sides of the new concept (selection of medicine and as well as management of case) to make home what exactly we mean through Belladonna and not the mere study of Belledonna as a drug'
2. To equip you (our followers) with a most neglected but formidable weapon in Belledonna so that you should be able to convince our fellow professionals about the imaginary disease found in our literature regarding our medicines which hamper the selection of a really indicated medicine.'
3. To put down and facing the truth and are blocking our way just to hide their own weakness.'
4. To counter the misinformation being spread by the lobbyists about our concept being one sided dangerous and undependable and thus discouraging the seekers (of knowledge) to attend our seminar.'
There are also two parts, Part-I theory & Part-II - Case reports (there are about 18 cases are discussed with their proper follow up & management).
At the end of book, there is list of new rubrics which were added by Dr M L Sehgal.
Series VIII: This book has been titled as , 'Advanced study of Revolutionized Homoeopathy' - A Research paper., by Dr. M.L. Sehgal.
The book has foreword by Dr Claus Schamell (M.D) of Frankfurt/Germany. Many Homoeopathic Stalwarts of India like, Dr R. K. Kapoor, Dr D. P. Rastogi, Dr H. L. Chitkara have penned down their experiences with ROH System.
Next, 3 drugs ( Argentum Metallicum, Nitric-Acid & Argentum nitricum) have been vividly described with their comparative study. Related with this article, Dr M. L. Sehgal wrote, “…we have Arg-met which is a saint by nature but when combined with Nit-acid, it is converted into a deceitful person (Arg-nit)". ( No of Pages 102)
Series IX: This is the first book in this series, written by the sons of our Teacher and Inventor Dr. M.L. Sehgal i.e. Dr Sanjay Sehgal & Dr Yogesh Sehgal,(known famously in the Homoeopathic World as "Sehgal Brothers" ) In this Book they have added their new observation - i.e. 'Why he does ' & 'Why he says' with the 3 previous observations given by Dr. M.L. sehgal i.e. 'What he does' and 'How He Does'; ' What He says' & 'How He Says' . Two basic drugs : Hyosymus & Opium have been described with 86 different rubrics and their clinical application. All rubrics are mentioned with applicable patient versions. ( No of Pages 56)
Series X: This is the 2nd book of Dr Sanjay Sehgal & Dr Yogesh Sehgal.
This book contains 4 parts.
Part 1: Contains the detailing of case taking with practical point of view.
Part 2 : Contains, 'A few common versions of the patient and their interpretations. 36 rubrics are discussed here.
Part 3 : Contains The group discussion of the Rubric Perseverance with its Cross Reference & Related different rubrics. Along with this is mentioned the differentiation of the drugs mentioned under this rubric
Part 4 : Contains Description of the remedy Arsenic album with esp. emphasis on the Rubric'Rest, when things are no in proper places, cannot'. Some important rubrics with explanation of Anacardium have come at the end. ( No of Pages 144)
Series XI: Till date this is the last book in the ROH Series. Name of the book is 'Feelings'. This is the new era and comes from the hands of two great son, Dr Sanjay Sehal & Dr Yogesh Sehgal. Philosophical part of Homeopathy is included here.
Then comes some un-revealed cases of Dr M L Sehgal. For group discussions of two important rubrics are chosen here, 'Egotism' & 'Delusion wrong has suffered'.
Unique part of this book is Metamorphic interpretation has done here for physical general sensations, like 'warm', 'heat', 'hot', 'cool', 'chill' & 'cold'. One chapter is introduced here, especially for infant and children cases. At the end 3 remedies thoroughly discussed here, viz, Antimonium crud, Pulsatilla nigra, Tarentula hisp. ( No of Pages 300)