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ROH Book Series (|-x) Total of 11 books.
|-V||,Written by Dr.M.L.Sehgal
|X-X, Co-authoured by Dr.Sanjay Sehgal and dr.Yogesh sehgal
Never born Never Died
Visited this planet between
1929 - 2002
Visited this planet between
1929 - 2002
Dr. M. L. Sehgal took up homoeopathy as a hobby. It later was to become his passion and he conducted research to improve its effectiveness. His method of prescribing has been successful in treating many cases of both acute and Chronic ailments. In 1983, he founded Dr. Sehgal's School of Revolutionized Homoeopathy in India. He authored Rediscovery of Homoeopathy Series, volumes I- VIII - the last series IX co-authored by his sons. Dr.Sanjay sehgal and Dr.Yogesh Sehgal.These give a detailed insight into his method. Written Originally in English these volumes have been translated in other languages, namely German, Italian & Czech. There are dedicated followers of Dr. M. L. Sehgal's Method all over the world.